On Saturday, April 22, please join us at Central Library for an Earth Day Celebration featuring family-friendly activities, solar power and battery demonstrations, and more!
Curious about how solar power works? Find out with a car race! Mini-cars propelled by solar panels will move at different speeds depending on how the panel is positioned on the car.
Ever wondered what to do with the potato sprouting on your counter? Learn how to make it into a DIY battery!
Want to switch your home from grid to solar and batteries but don’t know where to start? Experts will be available to answer your questions and to help evaluate your specific needs.
This event is co-hosted by Brooklyn Public Library and Solar One, who have collaborated on resilient energy solutions for several neighborhood library buildings, including Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, Mill Basin and Kings Highway. These libraries are now equipped to serve as community hubs for essential charging, information distribution, and critical emergency response activities during power outages. Register now for this free event—hope to see you on April 22!