Category Of Post

June 18, 2024

This Summer’s Weather May Get Wild

In 2023, we lived through the hottest year since recordkeeping began more than a century ago, but before too long, it might be outdone as the pinnacle of extreme heat.  […]

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Category Of Post

May 15, 2024

Renewables Supplied 30% of Global Electricity in 2023

Growth in solar and wind power pushed renewable generation to a record 30% of global electricity production in 2023, putting a global target to triple renewable capacity by 2030 within […]

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Category Of Post

March 28, 2024

Will Solar Power Be Affected By the Solar Eclipse?

On April 8, 2024, a solar eclipse will start on Mexico’s Pacific coast around 11:07 a.m. PDT, traveling across parts of the U.S. and Canada until 5:19 p.m. EDT. Because […]

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Category Of Post

March 13, 2024

Record Warm Winters Are Not Cool

Once again, record-breaking temperatures were recorded in all of the lower 48 U.S. states. Average temperatures were more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, eliminating the ice cover on the Great […]

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Category Of Post

December 14, 2023

COP28 Climate Summit Ends with Deal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

The COP28 Climate Summit ended on Wednesday with an historic deal to phase out fossil fuels. After a somewhat controversial start in a world that continues to try to kick […]

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Category Of Post

December 1, 2023

What to Expect from the COP28 Climate Summit

A former head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) used to describe the annual climate summit as “the only circus in town”. It may not be good […]

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Category Of Post

November 16, 2023

World’s Biggest Polluters Agree to Ramp Up Renewables

The United States and China will back a new global renewables target and work together on methane and plastic pollution, they said in a joint statement on Wednesday after a […]

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Category Of Post

June 21, 2023

It’s an El Niño Year & June Has Been Hot

Wildfires in Canada. Heat waves in Siberia. Record low sea ice in Antarctica. And summer is just getting started. It may not have come for us here in NYC just […]

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Category Of Post

June 8, 2023

Wildfire Smoke Blankets the East Coast

Canada is burning, and this week so much smoke drifted down across the border that most of the eastern half of the country was affected. Levels of particulate matter rose […]

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Category Of Post

November 22, 2022

Key Takeaways from COP27

The United Nations held its annual Climate Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt over the past few weeks, and while it wasn’t easy, in the end 200 countries signed on to […]

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