In the years since it was transformed into public space, Governors Island has been a popular destination for people looking for a more bucolic NYC experience. From the Jazz Age Lawn Party to the Earth Matters NY Compost Learning Center, there’s a lot going on in any given moment- and especially moments between May and October, when most of the Island’s activities are at their peak.

But soon people may be flocking to Governors Island for a whole new reason- to get green workforce training, brainstorm climate innovations and be part of a research and technology accelerator. Once ful­ly oper­a­tional, the cam­pus is expect­ed to serve 600 post­sec­ondary stu­dents, 4,500 K‑12 stu­dents, 6,000 work­force trainees, and over 250 fac­ul­ty and researchers annu­al­ly while sup­port­ing up to 30 busi­ness­es through its incu­ba­tor program.

Solar One is excited to be one of the partner organizations, along with some of our long-term partners like Green City Force, WeACT for Environmental Justice, and the Billion Oyster Project.

The Exchange is part of Governors Island’s Center for Climate Solutions, and will housed on a 400,000 square foot campus including class­rooms, lab­o­ra­to­ries, research labs, pub­lic exhi­bi­tion space, stu­dent and fac­ul­ty hous­ing, uni­ver­si­ty hotel rooms, and audi­to­ri­um spaces, serv­ing as an inspir­ing exam­ple of sus­tain­able and resilient design. The cam­pus will cre­ate 2,200 100% union con­struc­tion jobs.

The cam­pus will include two new­ly con­struct­ed class­room and research build­ings on three acres of the Island’s east­ern devel­op­ment zone, as well as the restora­tion of over 170,000 square feet of space with­in his­toric build­ings, includ­ing Liggett Hall and the Fort Jay The­ater, as well as 4.5 acres of new open space in its Phase 1 plan, adding to the Island’s exist­ing 120 acres of open space across the His­toric Dis­trict and South Island Park. 

The Exchange is antic­i­pat­ed to begin con­struc­tion in 2025 and open its first phase in 2028.  You can read more on the Governors Island website here.