This spring, NYC has already experienced a few days of unseasonably hot temperatures- and we should all expect many more to come over the next few months, both in New York and across the US.
Climate scientists at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA) released their latest forecast on May 19th, and it shows a strong likelihood of above-average temperatures in the Mountain and Southwestern regions and the Northeast, which could also experience above average rainfall in June, July and August, thanks to La Niña, the global phenomenon that can cause extra storms during hurricane season.
“Typically La Niña favors warmer than normal conditions over much of the West,” said NOAA meteorologist Johnna Infanti, referring to the climate pattern currently influencing weather in the U.S. It involves cooler sea surface temperatures and strong east-to-west winds in the Pacific Ocean, and it affects weather around the globe.
As the West continues to struggle to cope with a 22-year-long megadrought and fires have raged across New Mexico well ahead of the usual season, Iowa and eastern Texas may also experience drought conditions. And that means that the likelihood of rolling blackouts will increase as well.
About two-thirds of the U.S. is vulnerable to a shaky supply this summer, according to an assessment by the North American Electricity Reliability Corp. (NERC). During extreme events, like the Pacific Northwest’s heat wave last year, when temperatures set new records for three days straight, that can be lethal. Washington state alone estimates that 100 people died from the heat wave alone last summer, making it the deadliest weather-related event in state history.
You can read more about this on Grist.org here.